We are a military family, just beginning our lives in this whole new adventure! My husband, Matt, is in the U.S. Navy and works as a hospital corpsman. We have two beautiful daughters, Finley, 5 and Charli Lyn, 20 months. We feel so blessed to have each other and to take on this new lifestyle together.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday was the global recognizable holiday of love, Valentines Day. I spent the day with the girls, teaching Finley what the holiday is all about. Who really knows if she gets it yet but I'm sure she will figure it out soon enough! Finley was overly excited about her Valentines party at school, so we bought "Princess" valentines (shocker!) for her classmates and friends. I wrote the names of all the kids and she did a great job of writing "from Finley" on all of them! She is getting so big!! We bought cute heart shaped suckers and added them to the valentines for a little something extra. I had a eye doctor appointment yesterday morning so I asked my dad if he could get Finley from school and bring her to Subway that is close to the house for her surprise Valentines lunch. Finley absolutely goes nuts over Subway. Its her favorite place to eat, so I thought I would take her there for Valentines Day. When she got out of the car, she was carrying a shoebox that was wrapped in Valentine wrapping paper with cute decorations all over it. When we sat down, she opened it up to show me what was inside and all it was, was a box full of sugary substances that was screaming "this is going to make Finley crazy!!". She of course had devoured almost all of the chocolate already and I told her it was going to be a week before she would eat anymore of that stuff! But she had all her valentines from all her friends in the box and she was so proud to show me all of them. It was too precious.
We had a great lunch with Papa and then we headed home. We spent the rest of the day playing and taking a nice walk outside and talking. I was so glad to have my girls with me yesterday since obviously Matt wasn't close by. I know him and I will make all of this up later when we get settled in Beaufort.
Overall, it was a great Valentines Day and I can't wait to celebrate more of them with my two precious little valentines!

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